Draft Chapters

Beginning May 2024, Planning Commission and Staff are publishing draft Town Plan chapters to this page in advance of Planning Commission public meetings (7:00pm on first and third Tuesdays). 

Writing a Town Plan is a big assignment. To lighten the load, topics have been divided amongst four teams with one staff lead and two commissioners: 

View the real-time, working documents using the links below. We welcome and encourage you to follow along, ask questions, and provide input through the feedback form at bottom of this page. This form is the preferred method of contact - all Planning Staff and Commissioners can view it and ensures your thoughts don't get lost in our email inboxes! 

Team Red: Emily, Meghan, Mickey 

Team Yellow: Andrew, Shayla, Chapin 

Team Green: Matt, Hana, Ellie

Team Blue: Melinda, Steve, Jill